Conspicuous tie wearer David Frum has received the first vote for the most mediocre Canadian. From his humble beginnings in journalist Barbara Frum's womb, he climbed the foot stool to reach the middle shelf in the kitchen cupboard of life. Infamous for coining the phrase "Axis of Evil," Frum was a speech writer for some guy in the States.
Is this man really the most mediocre Canadian?
Is this man really the most mediocre Canadian?
Who nominated this guy? If he had written speeches for Taft I could see it. He basically used Bush to threaten the president of Iran. Nothing mediocre about that.
Which proves a point about mediocrity itself...does a mediocre Canadian somehow surpass himself by plying his mediocre trade in the US instead of at home? Is that what separate the mediocre from the...superiocre?
Cool contest, by the way.
C'mon. David Frum?
If he was as mediocre as the writeup says, he'd still be in Canada, sucking from the public teat: government or CBC sinecure.
He struck out to explore the bigger world: 'not a trait of the mediocre Canadian, who likes to be a big fish in a mud puddle ad infinitum.
Your voter isn't quite clear on the concept.
If this is a vote against the Canadian Media's Fixed Genetic Lottery, count me in.
But a vote for Frum seems more like a case of Tall Poppy Syndrome, which means the person who voted for Frum really should have voted for... himself, for being a typical mediocre jealous anti-American Canadian.
As a principled conservative with a small l libertarian bent, Ya I think Frum is pretty mediocre...certainly too partisan to write anything that is fully honest and not trying to manipulate opinion.
That's what made his mother popular... her unpartisan, unbiased honesty...Dave should try it as soon as he stops sniffing Republican party rumps.
only progressives and liberals would consider David Frum to be mediocre
Speaking of raging mediocrities, why...there's Kathy Shaidle! Internet-famous for being a vulgar and genocidal ex-alcoholic and failed writer.
She's got my vote!
Anyway, when it comes to brainless and doughy neoconservative hacks shilling for American power, there's no mediocrity with Frum. He's simply the best.
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